there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mom!

This is my mom.  Isn't she cute?  I think this picture was taken about 4 years before I was born.  Just imagine how carefree and happy she was before she had all 8 kids and responsibilities and stuff!  Happy Birthday, Mom!

Once upon a time I heard my Dad say that you never know how good a job you did as a parent until you see how your grandkids turn out.  So, instead of bragging on my mom I'm going to brag on her eldest granddaughter.

This is my D, who is named for her grandma.  Last week she graduated from ElDorado high school, received an award for being the 'Outstanding student in Education & Training' and has 2 scholarships plus an honorarium which should pay for most of her tuition in her first year at BYU.   She was one of 6 finalists in the state for one scholarship, and earned her blue Thespian honor cords.  All while working as a nanny and keeping up with seminary (four year graduate) and being the Laurels class president.  I'm proud of her.  More than all those things, though, I am proud that my beautiful daughter cares deeply about the people around her.  Yes, she gets frustrated when we don't all meet her high standards of behavior and dependability, but she also wants to help all the time.

Neither one of these ladies particularly loves the spotlight, but I think they are both wonderful.  They are both dependable, helpful, caring and hard working.  Whether by nature or nurture!  Either way, my Mom deserves some of the credit for her grandkids, so consider this brag to apply to them both.
So proud!

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