there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, May 11, 2009

Motherhood in focus

Something about going to church and hearing the eulogy-like talks glorifying mothers really sets my teeth on edge. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom to death and I think she did a fabulous job of raising us so I have no problem with people describing MY mom in glowing terms. My problem is that I'm a mom, and I'm certainly not anywhere close to the idealized mom we hear about once a year. So often it seems that motherhood in my world is just incredibly messy, frustrating and really, really HARD and I absolutely love it.

Motherhood. . .

means getting to occasionally blow stuff up

means making weird food to gross your kids out

means believing in fairies

Being a mom is the coolest job I have ever had!

1 comment:

Haymonds said...

That is an absolutely wonderful picture of Joe Cool a.k.a. Noah. Love it. Great comments--it's so true that we all fall short of our "mom ideal". Oh well. Here's to doing better tomorrow!!

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