there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, May 3, 2010

At the seashore

Friday morning we realised that we are not terrific travelers.  About 3 nights away from our comfy beds is where both Ben and I begin to be a little short with the kids.  Also, when the GPS tries to route us around a '5-min traffic delay' only to take us an hour out of our way?  That's when I started sassing the GPS with 'I don't believe you any more, lady!'  The kids laughed their heads off at my incredulous 'WHAT THE HECK?' when the GPS told us the next step was:  board ferry.   Arcen was chosen as our last overnight because it is next to a huge garden/castle.  Unfortunately there was nothing for the kids to do, and the garden would have been way too expensive for us.  So we went home.  The end.

                                            WHOA!  Our car is on a boat!

Ben teaches Emma how to make clogs

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