there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ben's normal view of us
St Mark's Square

Courtyard of the Doge's palace

Paul Newman?

Grand Canal

Rialto Bridge

On the Rialto


Jaynespace said...

1. I was only moderately jealous before, but I have crossed over into heavily jealous. I forget what the next step in the jealousy scale is, but I suspect I'll see it soon, and then I can tell you.
2. I have not been to many of these places in Italy. But I have been to Rome, and my husband and I felt the exact same way about the drivers. Every driver in Italy is taking care of him/her self and expects you to do so as well.
3. Awesome pictures.

SladeMomma said...

I agree with Jayne. As I was reading I was wondering if you were sharing your pictures only to make us all jealous as can be. Even of the street pictures. What an amazing experience for your family!

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