there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, July 2, 2012

Keeping life interesting

Saturday night was Ben's farewell.  We gathered at the Burgshenke restauraunt to eat and talk with friends from the Det and see the old pennant nicely framed.  The plaque notes that Ben was the 'first and only' commander of the Det (which is no longer a Det, but the sign out front still says it).  The above was from the engineering liason office thanking Ben for his support.   The many name changes represent the many organization changes in the 3 years we have been here.  This is the reason whenever anyone asks for my husband's organization I have no clue.  It also represents a ton of effort which immediately gets negated as they go though another change.  The reason my husband has been so frustrated so much of the time?  This plaque summarizes it nicely.

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