there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I don't like being preached at. Do you? Let's face it, I know what I'm supposed to be doing and for whatever reason I'm being a neglectful steward. Hearing people tell me that I'm not a good enough _______ because I'm not ________ just gets my dander up and I put the preachy person in my mental 'to be aggressively ignored' box.

The realization has dawned on me that this is exactly the kids' response when I nag them.

I do believe that it is time to take another stab at speaking with more kindness and charity. We'll call it a January resolution.

1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

That's what I remind myself of everything I feel like nagging Brent about cleaning up his side of our bedroom. We're empty nesters so the messes should have left with the kids!

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