there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, February 2, 2009

Luck and the lack thereof

It's been an interesting morning around these parts. First, we were running late and Deanna was late for orchestra. When I went to back the van out of the garage we heard one of those grinding/breaking noises you never want to hear. For some reason the garage door hadn't quite opened all the way, and the top of the van hit it. Crunched the brake light on the top of the van, the garage door is completely bent out of shape and the wood trim around the door was pulled off. It took me 10 minutes of tugging, re-arranging and some colorful vocabulary before I could even get the van out of the garage at all.

Then, Ben couldn't get the dates we wanted for the reunion this summer because reservations opened up yesterday, but we chose to go to church instead.

Then, I couldn't get the laptop to get into my account since only half the keyboard worked on the password screen. The kids account didn't do me any good, since they're not allowed online.

All this happening in the space of one hour can only mean one thing: It's our turn to host Gumper. Let's hope he doesn't enjoy the cold and leaves SOON.

Oh, and then there was this:

You don't think such a little angel would play with mommy's lipstick, do you?

1 comment:

Haymonds said...

Just be glad you weren't forced to relive THIS Groundhog Day over and over and over.....

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