there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Since Liz started all this. . .

In the spirit of Elizabeth challenging us to be frugal this month (and in the spirit of using up as much food storage as possible before we move) y'all might want to read this:

It's an article on whether or not things we make homemade are cheaper than store-bought.

Oh, and the recipe she links to is one of my favorite granola recipes, but we make it with craisins instead of raisins. It's almost as good as the stuff from Costco (which we call crack granola around here since I can't stop eating it)

I've been trying for months to use up our food storage, and while the deep freeze is nearly empty, my pantry and wheat/rice/beans storage is not noticeably smaller. Either I have a really great food storage or I'm too lazy to make everything from scratch. Except bread, we've only had store-bought bread about twice this month.

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