there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Sunday, January 29, 2012


In the square at the old Roman
crossroads the rare teenaged
smile (smirk?) is spotted in the wild

The pillar in the middle of the old crossroads
'belly button' of Florence

tablecloths and placemats

We don't have any Italian DVD's, so the players in the house
didn't do us any good

magnolia!  I could touch it
from our balcony

My favorite part of traveling, trying new treats

In the beginning of the trip, joy was smiling


Piazza della Liberta, where No chased
lots of pigeons

Santa Maria Novella

So excited to walk all over

The kids' favorite museum had models of
Leonardo DaVinci's plans--this is his
idea for a tank with guns sticking out
every direction.  Zak approves

1 comment:

Haymonds said...

Ba ha ha ha ha! Love Zak's face.

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