there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Cookies making snow angels

Our winter has been kind of weird, with the occasional snow dump (so far only on weekends) (and only when we have guests visiting) with snow in-between.  When D was home for Christmas we got one weekend of loads of snow, which means loads of shoveling.  Noah loves to shovel and loves to go out and play in the snow.  Perhaps this is the result of being born in Utah?  

 Except, my California baby also loves to go out and play in the snow

And I (born in Utah) dislike the cold rather quite a lot.

We lost the good camera over winter break, ('lost', in that I couldn't find it because I put it away in the right place, but on the wrong shelf)  and didn't take many phone pictures.  I guess I'm too old-fashioned to remember the tech I keep always in my pocket!

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