there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, June 8, 2009

Philosophal dissonance

I don't even let the boys have toy guns, and yet watching this made me laugh. Holly proposes that we bring the noodle thingies to the reunion and have a grandkids vs grandpa melee. Just so long as it's properly documented for those not attending I vote 'Yay!'


Haymonds said...

I don't remember proposing that...but it's an AWESOME idea!! Plus they float--they can do it in the creek!! That is, if it EVER stops raining.

Lorana said...

Ahhhh... The birth of reunion tradition!!!! Please film for the rest of us. I will pay you.

SladeMomma said...

Love to see that brother-in-law of mine in battle. Hope you post a video of it.

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