there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just one week in the emerald country

Seriously, so green everywhere!

Why don't German windows have screens? I love the option to open the window from the top or swinging open into the room--more kid safe options! Wasps everywhere, too, which makes even dining inside a little buggy.

The kids are seriously confused by the whole 2 different flushes option, this does not bode well for my future plumbing.

I am having the hardest time memorizing our new handy number (handy=cellophone). It's like the space in my brain devoted to phone numbers could only hold a certain configuration, and now it's all gone to mush.

Cloudy days here mean I cannot for the life of me stay oriented. No mountains, no tall landmarks, just long, green, windy, hilly roads. And then I get to the wrong town and realize that I should never, ever turn the GPS off. Or else I need to learn more German and pay better attention to the signs.

We're walking a lot and people driving past either smile indulgently or gape in astonishment.

The kids have been telling each other all morning about how they walked ALL THE WAY to the commissary (maybe 1/3 mile) yesterday. Should I tell them that they're going to be walking all week?

. . . . and walked and walked and walked and walked


The Wibergs said...

I happened to look at Steph (Smith)'s blog this morning and she said the same thing about the lack of screens. She recently moved to England. Has your car not made it there yet then? Keep the blogs coming please---I love hearing about life in Europe. It's especially fun from your and Steph's perspectives. :)

Liesl said...

Reading that makes me miss living in Vienna. The only thing I don't miss is the obnoxious toilets. I HATED the toilets. I wish you the best of luck with the overly long phone numbers and getting used to the language...wait, do you have to learn German, or are you lucky enough to not have to?

Kelli said...

Wow! Who knew it was so different? Not I. Two flushes... yikes.

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