The autobahn has no billboards. Actually, the only place you really see billboards is in the city (in our case, the 'city' would be Kaiserslautern)
I don't ever remember how to close ellipses
Even when I am bombing down the autobahn at 160 there will be someone coming along behind me even faster, blinking lights to tell me to get my slow self OVER.
The dial tone sounds different here, I wonder if I'd even recognize a busy signal?
Phone mail is really challenging when the instructions are all in German.
I love, love, love hearing the church bells every day at 11am and 6pm. It's just so. . . something.
All the -bach, -den, -sten, -ern, and -weiler named towns blend together in my head.
It only has taken us two months to realize that the sign by the fountain: Kein Trinkwasser means you shouldn't drink the water.
The lady at the bakery told Birgit that Ben is simply adorable. Even bald, he's adorable!
Most sidewalks are brick rather than poured concrete. Ben says it's for drainage purposes.
Rolling a stroller over cobblestones sounds cool. It sounds even cooler when the cobbles are loose--but the best sound is the van over loose cobblestones.