there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Monday, April 26, 2010

Gallumphing through the tulips

Day 2 of our spring break adventure was spent at the Keukenhof gardens in Lisse, Holland.  If I thought that the bikers ruled the roads in Bruges, I was sadly mistaken since Holland is truly where bikers rule supreme.   Which makes sense since the whole place is flat, flat, flatter than Nebraska, flatter than Kansas, flat.  (and below sea level--therefore the windmills).  When the wind picked up in the evening it was quite easy to see why there are so many windmills all around to take advantage.   I am very grateful to the wind, however, since once it began to be chilly most of the buses left and we were able to enjoy things more.

On the way home I took a wrong turn and the GPS brought us back on one of the smallest roads I have ever driven on.  Luckily we met no cars coming the other way and we were treated to a lovely panoramic view of the tulip fields, the hyacinth fields and other flowers stretching out in rainbow stripes.  The smell of the hyacinths is probably the strongest memory I'll carry with me.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

This is so beautiful!


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