there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Play a ME!

This afternoon the boy informed me that we were going to play HIM game. Usually this means he wants a turn on the laptop, but today it meant that he wanted to set up Die Siedler von Catan game and take pictures of us playing. He loves photo booth, and so do I. In my world anything which can entertain a toddler for a solid 15 minutes means I can get something done! Not today, though since we were playing.

So he showed me how to set up the board. Sadly, my settlements never made it to the board since the boss decided 'onny norange' could play today. I think he only wanted to play the game since he's watched his siblings and father play it for the last few days. From this I have learned that I do not have the attention span necessary to play such a game as settlers.

Sadly, he lost interest in the board game, (must get his short attention span from his mommy) but I have very many blurry photos of my toddler, and 3 clear ones. So far the ratio seems to be about 20:1


Haymonds said...

Sometimes I just wish Blogger had a "like" button :). I like.

Liz said...

I especially like the pictures. And I'm in awe of your multi-child mothering.

Sharisse said...

They are growing up too fast!!!

SladeMomma said...

Settlers of Catan is my FAVORITE board game and I'm always looking for someone to play with me. Wish you were here. Wrong, wish I were there.

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