there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse

Friday, July 1, 2011

Leeleylou's Birthday

Look!  Proof of sibling love!

There's a story behind this one

This cake. . . oh, this cake

My smilin' girl
So, it is a family tradition to open up all the presents with everyone watching and cheering, etc.  I usually buy the presents which the kids can then 'purchase' from me with happy bucks they earned doing their chores, etc.  When we got together to give Lee her birthday gifts Noah came up with a shopping bag and proudly handed it to her.  He had retrieved a shirt off my bed, wrapped it up and presented one of Ben's old shirts to Lee as her birthday gift.  He was awfully proud of himself, we were all laughing our heads off.  Never underestimate the determination of a four year old!

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