there’s nothing wrong with kids that trying to reason with them won’t make worse
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Gumper rules the interwebs?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Can I fill out another form, please?
At the CDC it took me quite a while to get the attention of any of the 3 people working in reception, and when I explained what I needed it took another 10 minutes to locate the forms I had to fill out. When I sat in the reception area to fill out my stacks of forms (10 pages to register the 2 little kids) the dude answering the phones told one of the other receptionists to put me in the isolation room. Wha? I'm diseased now? And why can't you talk directly to me, phone guy? Filling out the forms was the typical military forms experience, long and boring and repetitive. Did I mention repetitive? Every time I have to fill out stuff like this I have daydreams of how easy it could be if it was all just digitized. Although I'm sure it would jeopardize the job security of someone who has to create all these !@#$% forms. Ah, government agencies, thy name is the exact opposite of efficiency. Also, I did NOT need the LES, so I don't know why phone dude told me that. I don't like phone dude, can you tell?
Another hour later I drove over to the Youth Center to register the remaining 4 kids. I was worried since the bus would be coming in only an hour and a half and I had the majority of registering to go. Luckily the lady at the Youth Center was efficient, NICE, and didn't care that my kids were putting their fingerprints on her fish tank so we got done and out of there in less than 15 minutes. If I didn't write so slowly it would have been less.
Lesson: Nothing is ever free. It might not cost any money, but someone is sure as heck going to make you work for that 'free' thing. In this case, the price paid was in time running back and forth from 9:30 am to 1pm and filling out umpteen forms.
Don't tell phone dude I still have his pen.
"It's just too hard to schedule two lives around each other!"
I might have giggled just a little as my 5 other little ones came swarming up the stairs and around me. I am solely responsible to keep all 7 of our lives in sync and so far I'm doing a more than acceptable job. Of course, I may have had this exact conversation with a friend after being newly married myself, so it's obvious that I was not blessed with any foresight during that stage of my life, either.
Going nowhere fast
Thursday, January 24, 2008
How I Spent my Winter Vacation by D
Winter Vacation
“Hooray” it is Friday afternoon and the bell to end school has just rung! My family and I are going to
It is Sunday afternoon and my family (not including my dad) was all packed and ready to go. We had a quick lunch and then we all hopped into our huge but cozy white van. The trip to
“Finally!” “We’re here!” “Yay!” At Grandma’s and Grandpa’s we said our hi’s and gave hugs to all our loved ones including Squeaker, my grandparents cat that passed away when I was 6. “I miss him a lot.” My Aunt Naya is finally home from her one and a half year mission in
“It’s Christmas morning!” It took forever for everyone to wake up then everyone had to eat breakfast and mom had to get the camera. Finally everyone got finished. And yay we got to do stockings. Grandpa was handing out all the stockings. He was hilarious he would say stuff like “miss’s Em Evangeline” which is not Em’s middle name. Now it is time to open up our presents that we got. My favorite present was from Santa it was the only thing I had wanted for Christmas. It was a SCOOTER!
For the rest of the week I rode my scooter around the block, jumped on their tramp, and went to lots of parks. One day we went to see my great-grandparents (they are my grandma’s parents) so we went to
Now that’s my story of my winter vacation. And I’m glad I belong in
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Help the boy or grab the camera?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Always gets me down
This morning It took J over 35 minutes just to get dressed. He was the last kid out the door and was surly the entire morning. I suppose I should be grateful that they all made the bus, though.
On the other hand, Monday represents a new start to my week, a new chance to get caught up on everything and start anew. And one day closer to payday!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It's snowing. AGAIN. STOP IT ALREADY! My neighbor, Neil, told me that he's been praying for snow since we need the snowpack in the mountains quite badly. Is it wrong of me to hope that snow stays only in the mountains? Although, if he is going to continue to snowblow my walks and driveway I guess it's okay for him to pray for more snow. It's be nice if I could get to my mailbox, though. For four days the kids and I went out and dug a bit and we still haven't gotten the mailbox to where the mail delivery person can put the mail in it without stepping out of the mail delivery vehicle. Last night I had wild thoughts of crashing the van through the snow bank, but I don't think that would work without taking out the mailbox itself. See? Not quite certifiably insane. Yet.
Did I mention that I'm practicing my polite conversation skills, opening with the weather? Oh yeah.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Don't worry, with Dad's help I McGyvered it back up again.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Not quite tangible
In addition: Baa